Building Envelope Inspections

How can aerial imagery benefit the rehab process


Opaque Components

With drone technology, UAV Overflight can inspect and report on the condition of a roof, roof-top HVAC system and wall integrity quickly and safely without putting company assets at risk and saving time in the process.

Transparent Components

What is the traditional way to inspect multi-story windows, skylights and ventilators? Using modern UAV technology, inspections and reporting timeline instantly get shortened while hazardous situations minimize.

Thermal Comfort

Where is the building envelope thermally compromised? Thermography can quickly identify heat loss or moisture gaps in a structure that is invisible to the naked eye. Save time and money with a Thermal Scan.


Available Service Levels

Provisional Projects

Single use planning specific to clients needs

Starter Level Subscription

Package begins with a base number of client directed informative imagery [Unedited and Edited Available]. Scheduled data capture available up to 3 months.

Pro Level Subscription

Package includes everything from the Starter Subscription plus an additional 4 images and 1 video [edited] of client directed information. Scheduled data capture available up to 9 months

Elite Level Subscription

Package includes everything from the Starter Subscription plus an additional 14 images and 2 video [edited] of client directed information. Scheduled data capture available up to 12 months


Safely speed up Workflows

How many man hours does it take Human Resources, Managers and/or supervisors to schedule, ensure safety compliance and put an employee on-site to inspect multi-story structures? How much time on-site does it take an employee to inspect the desired area?

Using modern UAV technology, we can increase your workflow efficiency and as a result free up valuable resources. Flights over an elevated project site can capture a wealth of data in far less time and risk that it would take employees to arrive, take the appropriate pre-inspection safety precautions, gather data and safely exit the site. With hours and days of man hours saved, how does that help you?


Jobsite Documentation